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OCS Heart Leukocyte Depleting Filter

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OCS Heart Leukocyte Depleting Filter by TransMedics Inc

TransMedics Inc., a renowned name in the field of organ transplant technology, has introduced yet another innovative medical device in the form of the OCS Heart Leukocyte Depleting Filter. This device is employed in the advanced stages of organ transplant procedures, most prominently in heart transplants, to enrich the quality of the donated organ before transplantation.

The OCS Heart Leukocyte Depleting Filter's central function is to deplete leukocytes, a type of white blood cell, during the perfusion process. Leukocytes are known to play a role in inflammation and can induce post-transplant complications in the recipient's body. By depleting leukocytes from the donor organ, this filter maximizes its functional viability and potentially minimizes complications after transplantation.

The functioning of the OCS Heart Leukocyte Depleting Filter fits seamlessly into the existing OCS Heart system by TransMedics. During the organ perfusion process, the donor heart is infused with a nutrient-rich solution. As this solution flows through the organ, it is passed through the OCS Heart Leukocyte Depleting Filter. This filter is specifically designed to remove leukocytes, thereby reducing the potential for organ damage, improving organ viability, and potentially promoting better transplant outcomes.

The OCS Heart Leukocyte Depleting Filter is a clear testament to TransMedics’ commitment to enhancing the success rates of organ transplant processes, by fostering organ viability and minimizing the possibility of post-transplant complications, consequently leading to increased patient survival rates and enhanced quality of life post-transplantation.

Primary Use:

The primary medical use of the OCS Heart Leukocyte Depleting Filter is to eliminate leukocytes (white blood cells) from the organ perfusate in the process of extracorporeal organ care. It's an integral component of the Organ Care System (OCS) Heart, a sophisticated device that works to maintain the organ in a warm, functioning state outside of the body. Over the course of organ storage and transport, there often is an accumulation of leukocytes or white blood

How It Works:

OCS Heart Leukocyte Depleting Filter

The OCS Heart Leukocyte Depleting Filter, belonging to the category of Cardiovascular Surgical Devices, plays an instrumental role in the field of cardiac surgeries. Its main function is centered on blood filtration during heart surgeries, specifically the removal of leukocytes.

How does the OCS Heart Leukocyte Depleting Filter work?

Leukocytes, also known as white blood cells, are an integral component of the immune system that combats bacterial, viral, and other foreign invasions in the body. In a surgical context, these cells can sometimes cause complications due to their immunological reaction when foreign substances, such as medical devices, are introduced into the body. This is where the OCS Heart Leukocyte Depleting Filter becomes crucial.

The OCS Heart Leukocyte Depleting Filter serves as a barrier that selectively captures and removes leukocytes from the blood. This process of leukocyte-removal, or leukodepletion, is achieved via the filter's specially designed leukocyte-blocking matrix. The matrix works based on size disparity: the slight size difference between leukocytes and other blood cells makes the leukocytes become trapped while permitting other cells to pass through.

By leveraging this bioengineering marvel, postoperative complications such as inflammation, infections, or reactions to transfused blood components can be greatly reduced. This improved cleanliness during surgical procedures can significantly enhance surgical outcomes, patient recovery, and overall health status after surgery.

Usage in Cardiovascular Surgical Context

In the context of cardiovascular surgery, the OCS Heart Leukocyte Depleting Filter is connected to the heart-lung machine. During surgery, the patient's blood is circulated through this machine, which oxygenates it and pumps it back into the patient. The OCS Heart Leukocyte Depleting Filter is integrated into this circulation, thereby enabling the filtration of leukocytes from the blood.

By reducing leukocyte count during cardiovascular surgeries, the OCS Heart Leukocyte Depleting Filter assists in mitigating the possibility of adverse reactions such as systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) and other potential complications related to the immune response. It thus makes a significant contribution to the successful execution and outcome of cardiovascular surgeries.


TransMedics Inc.

Status: In Stock

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