Status: In Stock

AK 98 Dialysis Machine U9000 Ultrafilter C705 Expansion Chamber Accessory


AK 98 Dialysis Machine U9000 Ultrafilter C705 Expansion Chamber Accessory by Baxter Healthcare Corporation

The AK 98 Dialysis Machine U9000 Ultrafilter C705 Expansion Chamber Accessory is an innovative, state-of-art medical device programmed to streamline dialysis therapy. Produced by the renowned Baxter Healthcare Corporation, this device plays a crucial role in enhancing the treatment experience for patients undergoing dialysis.

This device is especially beneficial in hemodialysis - a process to purify the blood of a person whose kidneys are not functioning properly. The U9000 Ultrafilter C705 Expansion Chamber Accessory is expertly designed for use with the AK 98 Dialysis Machine to facilitate efficient and effective blood cleansing procedure.

Some of the distinct benefits of this device are:

1. High Level of Efficiency: The device works smoothly with the dialysis machine to optimally purify the patient's blood.
2. Advanced Technology: The expansion chamber's cutting-edge design and technology enhances the machine's functionality and durability.
3. Improved Patient Care: The high-precision of this device grants medical professionals the ability to control and monitor the dialysis process, thus paving the way for customized patient care.
4. Easy-to-Use: The design of the Expansion Chamber Accessory enables ease of use, allowing healthcare providers to seamlessly integrate it into the dialysis process.

As a testament to Baxter Healthcare Corporation's unwavering commitment to unparalleled quality and innovation, the AK 98 Dialysis Machine U9000 Ultrafilter C705 Expansion Chamber Accessory marks a significant stride in improving the quality of life for patients dependent on dialysis.

Primary Use:

AK 98 Dialysis Machine U9000 Ultrafilter C705 Expansion Chamber Accessory

The AK 98 Dialysis Machine U9000 Ultrafilter C705 Expansion Chamber Accessory is a highly specialized piece of medical equipment primarily used in the field of Ne

How It Works:

Introduction to the AK 98 Dialysis Machine U9000 Ultrafilter C705 Expansion Chamber Accessory

As a discerning medical professional, your choice of dialysis equipment significantly determines the quality of treatment that your patients receive. One such piece of advanced technology is the AK 98 Dialysis Machine U9000 Ultrafilter C705 Expansion Chamber Accessory. This pioneering equipment, in the category of Dialysis Machines, integrates superior design, efficiency, and versatility to ensure optimal and safe therapeutic outcomes.

Working Principle

The AK 98 system utilizes an ultrafiltration process, a technique based on size exclusion to withdraw metabolic waste products, unwanted substances, and excess water from the blood. Coupled with the innovative U9000 Ultrafilter and expansion chamber accessory, the system facilitates accurate fluid and solute removal to maintain patient physiology.

Operation of AK 98 Dialysis Machine U9000 Ultrafilter

The U9000 Ultrafilter in the AK 98 device works in tandem with the blood-filtering module. Its purpose is to purify the dialysis fluid before its contact with the patient's blood. By ensuring the sterility and endotoxin removal from the dialysis fluid, it ensures a safe and effective dialysis procedure.

C705 Expansion Chamber Accessory

Furthermore, the C705 Expansion Chamber Accessory partnered with the AK 98 machine has a significant role to play. This sophisticated accessory achieves precise control of the patient’s intravascular volume during dialysis, thus ensuring a balanced ultrafiltration process without abrupt fluid shifts. The synergy between these components allows for fine-tuning of the entire dialysis procedure, thereby enhancing patient safety and treatment efficacy.

In conclusion, the AK 98 Dialysis Machine U9000 Ultrafilter C705 Expansion Chamber Accessory stands as a paradigm of excellence in renal patient care. Its versatile operational attributes provide practitioners an opportunity to deliver the highest level of patient comfort and clinician confidence. To understand more about how this system works, feel free to explore our website and tap into various medical advancements that will redefine your practice.

Note: It is important to ensure that the device, its ultrafilter, and expansion chamber accessory are properly maintained in accordance with manufacturer guidelines to preserve their functionality and enhance patient safety.


Baxter Healthcare Corportation

Status: In Stock

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