Designed for exceptional versatility in laboratory settings, the Brain Heart Infusion Agar IV, also known as Product #P3591, is an integral product from Lakewood Biochemical Co. Inc. This specially crafted growth media is celebrated for its proficiency in cultivating a wide range of bacteria, yeast and fungi, including even the most fastidious microorganisms.
The Brain Heart Infusion Agar IV exemplifies consistency and reproducibility of growth conditions to ensure reliability in research outcomes. It optimally harnesses the nutritive properties of brain heart infusion broth, enriched with agar that offers a solidifying dynamic for microbial proliferation. Tests can be conducted effectively, and clear, distinguishable results can be noted due to the substantial contrast between agar and sample. This feature allows for precise assessments and promotes efficient monitoring of growth patterns.
For microbiologists aiming for enhanced and diverse growth of organisms within the sphere of clinical, pharmaceutical, and food safety testing, this device delivers optimal performance. It is an invaluable tool, facilitating enriched cultures and eliminating the requirement for further validation of growth promotion, thus streamlining the research process. With Lakewood Biochemical's Brain Heart Infusion Agar IV, exceptional results are at your fingertips.
Primary Use:
The Brain Heart Infusion Agar IV, Product #P3591, is a key tool utilized in the Clinical Laboratory Microbiology sector. Primarily, this rich, nutritious product is used for the cultivation of a wide variety of fastidious organisms, aiding in the identification, isolation, and diagnosis of pathogenic bacterial strains causing various infections. This multi-purpose medium promotes growth for microorganisms that might not proliferate in other media, thereby offering a crucial advantage to laboratory professionals in medical microbiology. Hence, this product proves to be invaluable in the context of medical diagnostics and infectious disease control.
How It Works:
Introduction to Brain Heart Infusion Agar IV - Product #P3591
Brain Heart Infusion Agar IV (Product #P3591) is a highly nutritious, ready-to-use enriched media, employed in clinical laboratories for the cultivation of a wide variety of fastidious and non-fastidious microorganisms, including bacteria, yeasts, and fungi.
Composition of Brain Heart Infusion Agar IV
The composition of the Brain Heart Infusion Agar IV product typically includes infusion from brains and hearts, peptone, glucose, sodium chloride, disodium phosphate, and agar. The brain and heart infusions provide nutritious elements like amino acids, peptides, nucleotide fractions, vitamins, and minerals, essential for the growth of most microorganisms.
Functioning of Brain Heart Infusion Agar IV
Here's a step-by-step rundown on how this medium works:
Step 1: Preparation
The agar medium is prepared by dissolving it in distilled water, brought to a boil to achieve complete dissolution, and then sterilized by autoclaving. After sterilization, the agar medium is cooled to around 45 – 50 degrees Celsius before it’s poured into plates.
Step 2: Inoculation
A clinical sample, which could range from a blood sample to a swab from a potentially infected site, is inoculated onto the agar.
Step 3: Incubation
Following the inoculation, the Petri dishes with the sample are incubated at a suitable temperature, generally at 35 – 37 degrees Celsius.
Step 4: Observation
After a period of incubation, the microbial growth is checked. The diverse nutrients provided by the brain and heart infusions in the agar medium support the growth of a variety of microorganisms.
Through this process, Brain Heart Infusion Agar IV allows healthcare professionals to study the types, number, shape, size, and other characteristics of different microorganisms that may influence the diagnosis and treatment of specific diseases.
Benefits of Brain Heart Infusion Agar IV
The significant advantage of this medium lies in its ability to support the growth of a vast array of microorganisms, making it a highly versatile tool in clinical diagnostics. Moreover, the precise combination of its ingredients boosts the growth of demanding and fastidious pathogens as well, offering a comprehensive diagnostic solution.
In conclusion, Brain Heart Infusion Agar IV - Product #P3591 serves as a crucial tool in clinical microbiology, providing a comprehensive medium to support, detect, and study an extensive range of microorganisms effectively.
Status: In Stock
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